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Top 10 research tools people usually ignore while conducting internet search

Formulated question of the research.

It is very easy to go in the wrong direction when it is not clear what you are looking for. Formulating a research question in the beginning of the research will prevent you from wasting time on the wrong websites

Use search engines other than google.

SlideShare, Wolfram Alfa, MetaCrawler and many other systems will help you find answers to the most specific questions

Images search.

There are more than 10 billion images containing dozens of keywords in google images alone. Most of them represent an article which may help you find you answers

Extended google search.

Google allows you to customize many search options – from region and language to selected domains search

Google commands.

Using short commands Google allows you to quickly find the definitions, search for words nearby, maintain the morphology of words unchanged and many other useful shortcuts that save your time

Keywords cloud.

Create a list of all possible variations of your search term upfront and you will save yourself a lot of time while searching

Google dictionary.

Use search-friendly chrome extensions. One of the most popular ones is Google Dictionary, which defines with one click any obscure terms on web pages

Information consolidation.

Do you always consolidate the found facts? By presenting poorly structured information to others, the chances of understanding the material will be much lower

Formulated answer to the initial search question.

Have you found the answer to your research question? The search is considered complete only when you have it formulated in one sentence

Research effectiveness monitoring.

Counting down the time you spend on each research is the first step in analyzing your weaknesses and strengths in finding information